Thanks for the details it will be helpful, but I wanted to know where is
the .mcz package?


Le 21/10/2015 21:29, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
> Le 21/10/2015 21:09, Hilaire a écrit :
>> Le 20/10/2015 16:32, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
>>> Done. The configuration has been updated for Pharo3.
>> Où dois-je regarder ?
> Look the following methods in MCFileTreeGitRepository,
> protocole git querying:
> gitBranchs
> gitCloneRepositoryAndCheckoutIn:
> gitNeedPush
> gitPull
> gitPush
> gitVersions
> gitVersionsForPackage:
> and in i/o
> writeRepositoryProperties
> and in MCFileTreeGitStReader
> zip
> The two definition related methods (#zipForDefinition:,
> #gitVersionsForDefinition:in:) are optional: they allow you to query
> method versions in the git repository as if it was the change set, and
> they are only available from the AltBrowser IDE.
> For an adaptation to Fossil, I believe all the main code can be reused
> (same use of SHA-1 commit ids, branches, monticello metadata
> recreation) with very similar commands (fossil x instead of git x).
> The main difference being, as far as I know, the use of git archive to
> retrieve a zip containing a version of a package; I haven't seen the
> equivalent command in Fossil.
> The base OSProcess / ProcessWrapper code is a bit long, but I prefer
> to keep it that way for reliability reasons: it took me a long time
> (literaly years) to reach a stable solution on Unix.
> (MCFileTreeGitRepository>>#runOSProcessGitCommand:in:)
> Thierry

Dr. Geo

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