
Can you simply define symbolic version as a normal one? I think that you need a 
baseline with a code of your symbolic version, then you reference this baseline 
with the #development version and in v1_0_0 you override repository to 
“…pharo-jenkins:v1.0.0/src”. I think that for me that was the main reason why I 
was doing pre-release. Because you cannot define any changes in symbolic 
versions, my baseline is a separate class, and ‘ConfigurationOf’ requires 
semantic versioning.


> On 21 Sep 2015, at 07:38, Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a BaselineOfJenkins on github and I would like to add a
> ConfigurationOfJenkins in the catalog. For the #stable versio, I wrote:
> stable: spec
>  <symbolicVersion: #'stable'>
>  spec for: #common version: '1.0.0'
> v1_0_0: spec
>  <version: '1.0.0'>
>  spec
>    for: #'common'
>    do: [
>      spec
>        baseline: 'Jenkins'
>        with: [ spec repository: 
> 'github://DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins:v1.0.0/src' ];
>        import: 'Jenkins' ]
> But I don't know what to do for the #development version. I tried this
> but Metacello does not want it:
> development: spec
>  <symbolicVersion: #'development'>
>  spec
>    for: #'common'
>    do: [ 
>      spec
>        baseline: 'Jenkins'
>        with: [ spec repository: 
> 'github://DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins:master/src' ];
>        import: 'Jenkins' ]
> On
> http://blog.yuriy.tymch.uk/2015/07/pharo-and-github-versioning-revision-2.html,
> Yuriy talks about a pre-release, but this requires changing the
> #development description for each release.
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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