Saw this in the Squeak mailing list , but since it concerns Pharo too because is the only thing close to a Pharo forum I decided to post it here too
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Geert Claes <> Date: 12 September 2015 at 17:40 Subject: Search for admin ... Hello Smalltalkers, I am looking for someone who would like to take over all admin duties for managing the i.e. The World of Smalltalk and associated online forums. I have put in significant effort in setting it all up some years ago now, especially combining all varies mailing lists on Nabble under a common Smalltalk grouping was tedious. Anyhow, I do find myself less and less engaged with Smalltalk as I am too busy with other things. I reckon ideally it should be someone who is open to all Smalltalk dialects as the idea of was to inform the world about every Smalltalk flavour. The administration doesn't require a lot of effort really. The website is at the moment a simple Google Site and all forums use Nabble and the DNS record are now directly with Sean already kindly assists in keeping the Nabble forums clean of spammers but I would now like to hand over all admin duties completely. The domain name is kindly sponsored by ESUG, so it doesn't cost anything to run really. I was recently forced to change DNS server for the second time since the start as there were some issues. Paul just kindly notified me that there are once again some issues with the web presence of Soo, candidates? Feel free to forward or post the following message on what you deem to be a relevant mailing lists. Cheers, Geert