On 08/09/15 21:20, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

On 08/09/15 13:02, Julien Delplanque wrote:

On 08/09/15 16:36, Damien Cassou wrote:
Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> writes:

On 07/09/15 13:56, Damien Cassou wrote:
Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> writes:
(Phi equal: ((1 asMathex + 5 asMathex sqrt) // 2)) equation asString.

and get:

\phi=\frac{ 1 +\sqrt{ 5 }}{ 2 }\end{equation}
I think that's great news! One of Pillar's feature requests is to let
users write LaTeX (e.g., formulas) in their pillar document and get nice
results in all exports (LaTeX, HTML, ePub...):
https://github.com/pillar-markup/pillar/issues/18. I'm not sure how this
request fits in your work, but there might be some intersection.

I guess if a latex math parser is created, it is possible to use objects
from Mathex to represent an equation as Mathex objects.

After that the translation to html should be easy.

Maybe I'll give a try if I have some time.
we could ask the Pillar users to write using Mathex directly so we don't
have to write a LaTeX parser. The only remaining thing is to generate
png pictures from Mathex objects for inclusion in HTML.

Oh yeah, it would be easier to set up I guess :)

Or maybe use mathjax instead of png to generate math on HTML:




Yes or even directly generate MathML it should not be difficult to implement
as an extension of Mathex.

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