
Nice to see this mind map example, and that you're working with young people for a brighter future with Smalltalk/Pharo :-). I remember that the first app I want to create and even propose to this list was a Mind mapping + Zooming app (think something like Xmind[1] mixed with prezi[2]), but was too complex to start with by myself, so seeing young people with proper tutorship starting with this is really awesome. I went with outlining and interactive writing which, with GT Tools, seems more approachable.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMind
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prezi

About design critique, I'm too newbie to made any suggestion code wise, but, as a long time user of mind mapping software I could offer some advice about future steps for improvements on this early version.

a. The first thing is colors, the vivid green for links can be too vivid. This is a personal taste, but I would recommend to download Xmind and see the provided templates and stick with one of them in colors and graphical style as a prototype of the "end result". b. The second is edges. Curved are the classical style for them, even on paper. Maybe the drawing or arranging mechanism is complicated, but would be nice to have them instead of straight ones. Think in something like http://www.xmind.net/m/ejnN/ or http://www.xmind.net/m/QLmZ/ or http://www.xmind.net/m/jPvm/ as possible layouts for edges. c. Embedding graphics. If you offer this you could have a basic mind mapping tool for pharo for 99% of the cases :-).

For the future I think in stuff like layout templates (a la Xmind), links between nodes, collapsible and expandable nodes, multimedia and zooming and you will have a serious contender in the presentation, brainstorming arena!

Hope to be able to test it this weekend. This has been a really busy month!



Ps: I'm planning to use your Spec tutorials to rewrite the interface for my Grafoscopio project trying to mix Spec and GT Tools, as soon as I have time again, so thanks for writing it.

On 21/08/15 16:57, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
The past three days, Noah Domingo (15) and I have
been working on a new Morphic example.
We have build a first iteration of a Mindmapping tool.
Noah shows it in:


We would be interested in some design critique.
The way the Rubric text field is embedded in the
MindmapNode is not so clean.

The code can be loaded by

Gofer it
     smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Mindmap';
     package: 'Mindmap';

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