Hi Bernardo,

Le 20/08/2015 00:24, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras a écrit :
Hi Thierry,
In the following thread

you said

    So what are the benefits of OMeta? Note that SmaCC would very easily
    do parsing over any kind of objects, not only tokens.

is there an example of that, ... somewhere?

I did a short example for that, to see how that would work, and ... I'm sure I threw it away. (I don't remember where I've put it, and as I erase and rebuild my images often, I'm sure it's gone)

It's easy to explain, if you're interested.



On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Thierry Goubier
<thierry.goub...@gmail.com <mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    I have released SmaCC 2.0.5, aligned on the main SmaCC[1] with a
    small fix on the Java parser, a few additional parsers (Cucumber),
    the addition of the Javascript parser, and continuous improvements
    on the performance and source code coverage of SmaCC generated
    parsers (with many thanks to John Brant and Don Roberts). The
    project is available on github[2]

    [1] http://www.refactoryworkers.com/SmaCC.html

    [2] https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/SmaCC

    This release is targeted at Pharo4. All parsers should work on Pharo
    5, but the GUI doesn't work. Most parsers come with full AST
    generation and a dedicated visitor for each, and support for native
    language refactoring.

    To retrieve a specific parser, please use Metacello with the
    following script:

    Metacello new
       baseline: 'SmaCC';
       repository: 'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC:v2.0.5';
       load: 'SmaCC-Javascript'

    (SmaCC-Python, SmaCC-Java, SmaCC-Cucumber, etc...)

    On Pharo4 only, to retrieve the full set (gui and tests), please use
    Metacello with the following expressions:

    Metacello new
       baseline: 'SmaCC';
       repository: 'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC:v2.0.5';



Bernardo E.C.

Sent from a cheap desktop computer in South America.

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