Thanks Guillermo, we were struggling with all these names also. This reference is important, and IMHO it should be pasted also in the page of every DB related project, so that we can have a map and now where we are.
best arturo On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Guillermo Polito < > wrote: > *OpenDBX* -> it is a database abstraction written in C. It was developed > outside the community, though we contribute if necessary. There is also a > driver in Pharo providing bindings against this opendbx library. > *Garage* -> a database abstraction in Pharo. It provides a common > interface to talk with several drivers (e.g., opendbx, native postgres, > native mysql...) > *Glorp* -> an object relational mapping framework that connects to a > database (therefore it needs some database driver) and converts relational > data into objects. > *DBXTalk* -> the umbrella project of all the above (and their connections) > >