Hi there, I'm trying to import an SVG file describing the provinces of Belgium in Roassal. I've cleaned an SVG file found on wikipedia and trying to import it.
I'm trying to imitate the way it is done with Countries. So: RTMapBuilder class>>provincesOfBelgium > ^ #(#antwerp #brussels #eastFlanders #flemishBrabant #hainaut #liege > #limburg #luxembourg #namur #walloonBrabant #westFlanders) > and implemented to corresponding SVG paths. Here's one example: RTSVGPath class>> antwerp > ^'m 177.419,25.0693 1.379,-3.5593 -2.986,-1.3778 -3.33,0.5742 > -0.114,-3.1001 -4.019,-4.0187 1.492,-5.9704 -2.181,-2.8706 -1.952,-0.2298 > -1.034,-1.2628 -2.411,5.1667 -3.673,3.7892 -3.101,-2.067 -5.396,1.378 > -2.068,-1.8371 4.479,-0.9188 0.345,-5.1667 -6.2,-2.1815 -4.938,5.741 > 0.114,2.8704 -8.611,-0.574 1.264,-5.5112 -5.397,0 -6.43,3.4444 1.263,4.5929 > 2.411,2.7555 -1.492,2.6409 -4.478,-0.6891 0.115,-2.7555 -6.43,0.3443 > 0,2.4112 2.296,0.5743 -0.345,5.5112 3.904,1.0336 -3.1,3.3295 3.056,7.4863 > 0.504,5.9475 -7.923,0.2296 -2.985,3.1002 1.722,1.837 -0.114,3.5595 > 2.889,0.4893 3.352,-0.9423 7.038,4.5375 3.704,-0.5553 1.759,1.7593 > 3.149,-1.7593 4.075,2.1297 2.963,-3.6118 11.112,-1.7592 0.092,3.3337 > 11.576,-3.6113 1.204,-3.0562 5.001,-0.8332 2.129,-3.8894 4.723,-0.7409 > 0.741,-1.9448 2.223,0.8336 1.481,-0.8336 0.186,-4.9079 -4.075,-2.0373 > 1.605,-5.4063 z'. Very naively, I've tried: provinceExample > "self new provinceExample" > | b | > b := RTMapBuilder new. > b countries: RTMapBuilder provincesOfBelgium. > b color: Color lightGrey. > b open. Which does not display anything. I suspect the problem lies in the coordinates of my paths. Is there a README somehwere or the original file that was used to generate the world map of the examples? Cheers, Francois