Just place the repository in a separate directory from the other stuff, like


No ?

> On 28 Jul 2015, at 12:42, Tommaso Dal Sasso <tommaso.dalsa...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to version a project on git using filetree.
> Since I also have some external resources (like images), I would avoid
> loading the whole project from the pharo image, because that would
> download the external files in a cache directory, thus making them
> difficult to reach and update.
> My idea is to update the git repository from the commandline, and then
> run a script to build the image.
> The question then is: is there an easy way to programmatically load a
> project from a local directory?
> Also, do you have any suggestions for a better workflow to handle this
> situation?
> Thanks,
> Tommaso

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