You have pier http://piercms.com
Esteban is thinking about doing a minipier.
Le 24/7/15 15:26, Bystroushaak a écrit :
Is there any software projects/libraries for personal wiki (something
like ZIM or CherryTree or Orgmode for writing texts/notes) and
personal information managing in Pharo?
I think that Pharo would be great for this kind of software, because
it would provide rich scripting options. Also the idea of representing
informations as objects is really great.
For example; now I keep list of books I read in DSV file. With this
SW, I could have a list of objects representing the books, which could
be sorted or rendered to lower level protocols, like DSV/XML/whatever.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_information_manager
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_wiki