On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>

> 2015-07-24 13:04 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com>:
>> Alex, would you be able to show something with Roassal? It would be
>>> really nice to see the overall git history graph overlaid with the graph of
>>> the history of the selected package.
>> Interesting that if someone else needs it I have no problem writing
>> Roassal scripts etc, but when I need it I don't even think of using Roassal
>> to actually solve my problems...
> :)
>> Anyway I ran into similar issue I had before, that
>> McFileTreeGitRepository is returning GitFileTreePackageEntry instead of
>> filenames, so this fails.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> mc := MCFileTreeGitRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m name
>> includesSubstring: 'dynacase/repository' ].
>> root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first. "<-- mc
>> readableFileNames doesn't return file names"
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> (The above for SmalltalkHub repos works just fine.)
> Yes. I spent a lot of time try to guess what was the repository API used
> by Monticello, and I failed for part of it ;)
> With git, I couldn't work with something as primitive as a file name to
> refer to a git commit :) so had to work at a higher level and try to patch
> all the places where Monticello was forcing strings on me.

Ok, so should I work around this because it's unfixable, or is it a bug?

>> This is the previous issue you've already fixed
>> http://forum.world.st/GitFileTree-browsing-changes-doesn-t-work-in-Pharo-5-td4838119.html
>> , it seems related.
> Ok. It is present in Pharo 4 as well, then.

I'm not sure how is Pharo 4 related (I do all dev in 5 now).

> Thanks,
> Thierry

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