Hi, GT captured the spotlight again at ESUG: http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/gtspotter-1st-prize-esug2015
[image: Inline image 1] We, the Glamorous Team, would like to thank the community for the trust and for the support. We assure you that we do not take this for granted. We started on an ambitious project of rethinking the IDE from the ground up. We started with GTInspector and showed how object inspection can be a great deal more than the state-of-the-art offers. Now we redefined searching for objects. These are great milestones, but the road ahead is still long and challenging. While the Glamorous Team is at the forefront, we cannot do it alone. We need you to work with us and show the world that we can reinvent what was started decades ago in Smalltalk. Only this time we’ll make it happen in Pharo. Thank you, The Glamorous Team