Le 16/07/2015 16:53, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
> More, RTOSM now will do a file-based cache of the tiles, so, if you
> prepare the demo beforehand, then your Pharo will have preloaded the
> tiles and will not tap into the tile servers.
> We still have unexpected latency issues, but I haven't added a time
> trace analysis to the Jejak tracer. It's on my todo list.
I join a message tally on the TROSMShape>drawOn:
It seems to me the cached tiles are not on the right format, there are
as Form and each times a tile is painted it is first converted to a
Cairo surface.


Dr. Geo

Reporting - 9,208 tallies, 1,170 msec.

99.9 (1,169)  MorphicUIManager  spawnNewProcess
  99.9 (1,169)  WorldMorph  doOneCycle
    99.9 (1,169)  WorldState  doOneCycleFor:
      99.9 (1,169)  WorldState  doOneCycleNowFor:
        99.9 (1,169)  WorldState  displayWorldSafely:
          99.9 (1,169)  WorldMorph  displayWorld
            99.9 (1,169)  WorldState  displayWorld:submorphs:
              99.9 (1,169)  WorldState  drawWorld:submorphs:invalidAreasOn:
                99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
                  99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
                    99.9 (1,169)  GLMSystemWindow [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                      99.9 (1,169)  GLMSystemWindow [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                        99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
                          99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
                            99.9 (1,169)  GLMFoundationBrick  fullDrawOn:
                              99.9 (1,169)  GLMFoundationBrick [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                99.9 (1,169)  GLMFoundationBrick [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                  99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
                                    99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
                                      99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerBrick [GLMBrick]  fullDrawOn:
                                        99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerBrick [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                          99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerBrick [GLMBrick]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                            99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerScrollBrick [GLMBrick]  fullDrawOn:
                                              99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerScrollBrick [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                                99.9 (1,169)  GLMPagerScrollBrick [GLMBrick]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                                  99.9 (1,169)  GLMScrollPaneBandBrick [GLMBrick]  fullDrawOn:
                                                    99.9 (1,169)  GLMScrollPaneBandBrick [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                                      99.9 (1,169)  GLMScrollPaneBandBrick [GLMBrick]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                                        99.9 (1,169)  GLMMorphBrick [GLMBrick]  fullDrawOn:
                                                          99.9 (1,169)  GLMMorphBrick [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                                            99.9 (1,169)  GLMMorphBrick  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                                              99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
                                                                99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
                                                                  99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
                                                                    99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [TabGroupMorph]  fullDrawOn:
[  99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[    99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
[      99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
[        99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[          99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[            99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
[              99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
[                99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[                  99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[                    99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
[                      99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
[                        99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[                          99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [TabGroupMorph]  fullDrawOn:
[                            99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[                              99.9 (1,169)  LazyTabGroupMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
[                                99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
[                                  99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[                                    99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[                                      99.9 (1,169)  PanelMorph [Morph]  drawSubmorphsOn:
[                                        99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDrawMorph:
[                                          99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  fullDraw:
[                                            99.9 (1,169)  TRMorph [Morph]  fullDrawOn:
[                                              99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  drawMorph:
[                                                99.9 (1,169)  FormCanvas [Canvas]  draw:
[                                                  99.9 (1,169)  TRMorph  drawOn:
[                                                    99.9 (1,169)  TROSMShape  drawOn:
[                                                      99.7 (1,166)  TROSMShape  drawTile:on:with:
[                                                        98.60000000000001 (1,154)  ColorForm [Form]  asAthensPaintOn:
[                                                          98.60000000000001 (1,154)  AthensCairoSurface  createFormPaint:
[                                                            97.4 (1,140)  AthensCairoSurface class  fromForm:
[                                                              45.800000000000004 (536)  LargePositiveInteger [Integer]  >>
[                                                                |22.3 (261)  Integer  bitShiftMagnitude:
[                                                                |12.8 (150)  Integer  bitAnd:
[                                                              33.800000000000004 (395)  SmallInteger [Integer]  <<
[                                                                |10.4 (122)  Integer  bitShiftMagnitude:
[                                                                |9.9 (116)  Integer  bitAnd:
[                                                                |2.9000000000000004 (34)  LargeInteger  +
[                                                              16.5 (193)  Bitmap [SequenceableCollection]  collect:
[                                                                7.1000000000000005 (83)  LargeInteger  +
[                                                                2.7 (32)  Object  at:put:
32.800000000000004 (384)  Integer  bitShiftMagnitude:
22.8 (267)  Integer  bitAnd:
10.0 (117)  LargeInteger  +
2.8000000000000003 (33)  Object  at:put:

	old			+577,852 bytes
	young		-712,020 bytes
	used		-134,168 bytes
	free		+2,620,440 bytes

	full			0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
	incr		26 totalling 60ms (5.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms
	tenures		1 (avg 26 GCs/tenure)
	root table	0 overflows

	Total process switches: 18435
	Without Profiler: 19
	Stack page overflows: 156682
	Stack page divorces: 34

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