Hi Offray,

I started a software night here in town and I was also thinking about presenting the GTToolkit and Roassal to the crowd.

You mentioned something that made made me wonder.
You said that even non programmers liked the language.

How did you approach them? Did you give them prepared interface implementations to Twitter and also a predefined GTToolkit browser implementation?
Or did they just use the inspector?

What does one need to use Twitter as a base for a demo? A developer account I guess?

How stable is Pharo of it comes to the usage by non Smalltalkers and non developers? I thought one might spent most of the time with explaining what which tool is what not to use "just now!"

Is there any library or framework available on smalltalkhub.com that you could recommend as a base for such presentation/workshop?

Thank you!

Am 25.06.2015 um 20:00 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas:
Hi all,

All this week we have been doing a workshop on data visualization using Pharo and Roassal on Grafoscopio. It started on last Monday and will end on next Saturday. Details are on [1][2]. The experience so far has been really gratifying and enjoyable. Newbies (with no background on programming and/or Smalltalk) liked the language, the Roassal capabilities and galleries and the inclusion of GT-Tools help a lot with code learning and exploration. I was planing to announce this before the event, but I had a really busy week and even I planned to aski for help with bugs or other questions, but so far we had only minor glitches.

[1] http://mutabit.com/dataweek
[2] https://twitter.com/hashtag/DataWeekCo?src=hash

So, thank all the community once more for your awesome work. Now that Alexandre and others talk about "the blues" because of absences on GitHub or SO, it important to talk about this small, significant and even life changing experience that happens on next door, thanks to what you have make possible. Let's not forget that.



Ps: I will follow this thread with some questions that rose on the workshop. I was thinking on asking the participants to share their questions on SO, so may be is time to do it... We will see tomorrow.

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