Oh  thanks!

I'll search through this web site next time before asking :)...

On 22/06/15 01:50, Peter Uhnák wrote:
I suggest using http://forum.world.st/ for searching through mailing lists;
using Google is often hit-or-miss (which even with all its neural networks
and tracking me everywhere is still after years suggesting Pharaoh...)

Anyway, there seems to be something

If you are not familiar with PetitParser, there's a chapter about it in
PBE2 (


On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

Hi everybody,

I googled a bit for a YAML parser in Pharo but I didn't found anything.

Does anybody wrote a YAML parser for Pharo?


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