Hello, Suppose that you want to show the diff between the source code of two methods. In the case that both methods are in the same class, and that such class is present in the system, then no problem: In a DiffModel, one can set a context to the smalltalk syntax styler and get a nice output.
DiffModel new leftText: (Point >> #x) sourceCode; rightText: (Point >> #y) sourceCode; contextClass: Point; openWithSpec. [image: Inline image 1] But what happens in the case that the class does not exist in the system? If one doesn't set any context to the styler, then the string will be shown all in black, which is not nice. A partial solution could be to set Object as a context, then the styler will color the code, but instance variables are in red: DiffModel new leftText: (Point >> #x) sourceCode; rightText: (Point >> #y) sourceCode; contextClass: Object; openWithSpec. [image: Inline image 2] Which is also not nice. In my opinion, there should be a styler that just colors the code following the syntax, without checking if the variables or classes are present in the system. It would be an environment-independent styler. What do you recommend to implement this? I guess it should be easy to subclass SHTextStylerST80 and override some methods to do not check anything in the environment. What's your opinion? Thanks, Martin