I am not really following. Hard to guess here.

Can you make the image accessible for me? I can then have a closer look at it.


> On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:18 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Hi all. Is me again :),
> I have being fighting all this morning trying to bet a better understanding 
> of edge connections and tree layouts. I'm making some progress, but still I 
> don't grasp it. At [1] you can find my starting example. So far, so good, so 
> I created my own variation for my own data at [2]. My main issue is the 
> #connectFrom message argument. If you uncomment the last line of [1] you will 
> see that sending the #superclass message gives me an object that is of the 
> same kind that the ones have been added to the view previously and I imagine 
> that the reason they can be connected in a tree. With the example at [2] the 
> message [#parents first] gives me a fossil commit object, but if I ran the 
> code, the nodes are unconnected. What I'm missing?
> [1] http://ws.stfx.eu/DK3VNXBVAHXF
> [2] http://ws.stfx.eu/DHF4VIR8TSPC
> Thanks,
> Offray
> On 15/06/15 06:47, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Thanks for your quick answer. I was pretty curious about trying to implement 
>> some of this ideas, but only until today I had the proper time to do it. I 
>> ran your code and now I'm trying to translate the ideas on it to my problem: 
>> Drawing a tree for the story of a fossil repository. 
>> First, using the procedure at [1] I was able to export a fossil commit repo 
>> history as Json and by running the script at [2] I was able to get a small 
>> set of dots, which represent dictionaries with all commit data, including 
>> ancestors for each node, like the attached screenshot shows. In the video at 
>> [3] at 1:06 min, seems that lays the key for my visualization, but for that 
>> I need to create a fossil commit object that can understand the #ancestor 
>> message. Because I already have them as dictionaries thanks to NeoJson, 
>> seems that I'm really close to get the visualization I'm looking for. I hope 
>> to work on it this morning and return to the list with data visualizations 
>> or more questions.
>> [1] 
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30577090/how-to-export-fossil-scm-timeline-to-another-format/30584926#30584926
>> [2] http://ws.stfx.eu/A5C8JJMA2HUK
>> [3] https://vimeo.com/116886609
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 02/06/15 05:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>>> HI Offray,
>>> I gave it a quick bash and come up with the following code. It's just a 
>>> prototype and could be greatly simplified.
>>> - MCVersionInfo ancestors for whatever reason returned empty array down the 
>>> line (so its cut off at the end), but I didn't investigate the problem
>>> - edge building and possibly ancestor retrieval could be simplified with 
>>> builders; I think RTMondrian has methods for it but can't remember exactly 
>>> (agilevisualization mentioned RTGraphBuilder but that has been removed to 
>>> my knowledge)
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> mc := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m project = 
>>> 'Roassal2' ].
>>> root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first.
>>> family := Set new.
>>> retriever := nil.
>>> retriever := [ :child |
>>>  family add: child.
>>>  child ancestors do: [ :a | retriever value: a ]
>>> ].
>>> retriever value: root.
>>> obs := family asGroup.
>>> v := RTView new.
>>> es := RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color blue; elementsOn: obs.
>>> v addAll: es.
>>> edges := RTEdge
>>>  buildEdgesFromObjects: obs
>>>  from: #yourself
>>>  toAll: #ancestors
>>>  using: (RTArrowedLine new withShorterDistanceAttachPoint; color: Color red)
>>>  scope: es.
>>> v addAll: edges.
>>> es @ RTDraggable.
>>> es @ (RTLabelled new text: [ :m | m nameWithout: 'Roassal2' ]).
>>> v @ RTDraggableView.
>>> v @ RTZoomableView.
>>> RTDominanceTreeLayout new
>>>  verticalGap: 30;
>>>  horizontalGap: 15;
>>>  on: es.
>>> v open
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter
>>> ​
>>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>>> <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On a closer detail, seems that [1] contains the starting point I'm looking 
>>> for. I'll keep you posted and of course any other approach will be listened.
>>> [1] 
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31543901/AgileVisualization/Roassal/0104-Roassal.html
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>>> On 01/06/15 22:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I had asked a similar question before with no much advances, but today I 
>>> made a discovery that can improve the things a lot: how to export timeline 
>>> data as structured JSON [1] (and of course this open the possibility to 
>>> work with it on Pharo). Now I would like to graph the data as a tree with 
>>> forks, merges and dates and authors of commits. I have seen chronia, but 
>>> seems overkill for this feature (and is integrated with CVS only).
>>> [1] 
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30577090/how-to-export-fossil-scm-timeline-to-another-format/30580043#30580043
>>> As usual, any pointer on how to get this going will be greatly appreciated 
>>> and I will give feedback to the community on how to do it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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