
XMLHTMLParser is a subclass of XMLDOMParser, which allows the specification
of a node factory to provide custom handling of nodes. Depending on what you
want to achieve, this might help.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sean P. DeNigris
Sent: 12 June 2015 23:45
Subject: [Pharo-users] HTML Parser w. custom nodes

Now that we have the cool new Catalog Browser, I see we have at least 4 HTML
parsing options - cool! Do any of these allow one to inject custom node
classes? Kind of like Zincs converter support, but for individual nodes.
When using Soup, I've often thought something like, "gee I wish I could have
told it that a tr with a certain background color was really a
ProjectDescriptionRow!". It seems clunky to have to parse it once, and then
query it again (usually procedurally) to make domain sense of the data, no?

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