Hello Pharoers and Moosers,

I did a Pratt parser extension for PetitParser.
A Pratt parser (a.k.a top-down operator precedence parser) handles 
left-recursion and operator precedence.
It handles grouping, prefix, postfix, infix (right- or left-associative) and 
"multifixā€¯ operators (e.g. "if ... then ... else ...", "... ? ... : ...", 
Smalltalk keyword messages).
Normally Pratt Parsing needs a tokenization phase but here tokenization is done 
on the fly with other PP parsers.
Apart from tokenization, no backtracking is needed so parsing is quite fast 
(approximatively 2 times faster than PPExpressionParser).

Here is an exemple of a calculator:

    parser := PPPrattParser new.
    parser terminal: #digit asParser plus do: [ :token | token inputValue 
asNumber ]. 
    parser skip: #space asParser plus.
    parser groupLeft: $( asParser right: $) asParser. 
    "Addition, substraction, multiplication, division: all left infix, * and / 
have higher precedence than + and -"
    parser leftInfix: $+ asParser precedence: 1 do: [ :left :op :right | left + 
right ].
    parser leftInfix: $- asParser precedence: 1 do: [ :left :op :right | left - 
right ].
    parser leftInfix: $* asParser precedence: 2 do: [ :left :op :right | left * 
right ].
    parser leftInfix: $/ asParser precedence: 2 do: [ :left :op :right | left / 
right ].
    "Power: right infix with higher precedence than multiplication and division"
    parser rightInfix: $^ asParser precedence: 3 do: [ :left :op :right | left 
raisedTo: right ].
    "Unary minus: prefix with highest precedence"
    parser prefix: $- asParser precedence: 4 do: [ :op :right | right negated ].

    parser parse: '2*3 + 4^(1/2)*3' ----> 12

To try it:

Gofer it
    smalltalkhubUser: 'CamilleTeruel' project: 'PetitPratt';
    package: 'PetitPratt';

Note that it is in beta stage so it might still change drastically.

@PP Devs: 
I had trouble with the PPContext furthestFailure that is taken into account 
instead of the failures I return, so I had to redefine #parseWithContext: to 
return the failures I want. The results given by furthestFailure were not very 
meaningful in my case (the same is true for PPExpressionParser btw). 
But I guess it was introduced because it gives good results in other cases. 
So would it be possible to change this behavior to let the parser decide if it 
returns the furthestFailure or the original failure?


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