Thanks for your nice report. People will certainly reply to you.
Le 7/6/15 17:08, mtk a écrit :
Hi, maybe I found an issue in VoyageMongo/Magritte, here is what I've done: loaded a fresh Pharo 4.0 image loaded VoyageMongo via Configuration Browser (Install Stable Version) opened up a Playground and did (via the green 'play' button): |repository| repository := VOMongoRepository host:'' port: 43158 database:'databasename' username: 'username' password: 'password'. repository enableSingleton. repository inspect. This leads to an error which seems to be connected to 'gtInspectorMagritteIn:' (see attached screenshot) which was updated in the package Magritte-GT on 03.06.2015. (no instance 'repository' is going to be created). Please excuse my bad analysis on this, because I have only very limited skills. <> -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at