Is this change resonable. I have no idea, what the Design-Idea behind the UIManager what services is should provide. May be it make sense to have the extra services on UIManager, but think the bug is in FileList>>viewContentsInWorkspace and not in UIManager.

I propose for Workspace to change the current code:

    "View the contents of my selected file in a new workspace"
    | aString |
    self reference streamWritable: false do: [ :stream|
        aString := stream setConverterForCode contentsOfEntireFile ].
UIManager default edit: aString label: 'Workspace from ', self reference basename <----- WRONG

to :

    "View the contents of my selected file in a new workspace"
    | aString |
    self reference streamWritable: false do: [ :stream|
        aString := stream setConverterForCode contentsOfEntireFile ].
Workspace openContents: aString label: 'Workspace from ', self reference basename

And i also proposse the add a Playground case.

New Method:

    "View the contents of my selected file in a new playground"
    | aString |
    self reference streamWritable: false do: [ :stream|
        aString := stream setConverterForCode contentsOfEntireFile ].
GTPlayground openContents: aString label: 'Playground from ', self reference basename.

and also FileList>>serviceViewContentsInPlayground and the case in ListList>>itemsForAnyFile.

If ok, i can fix Workspace and add Playground menu to FileList, after i have figured out how to send an fix ;-)


Am 03.06.2015 um 16:40 schrieb Ben Coman:
Or do we now want such to open in Playground?

btw, these are the relevant methods.

cheers -ben

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:57 PM, volkert <> wrote:
The File Browser has a Context Menu "Workspace with Contents". It opens an
Edit Window (String Morph), but not a Workspace ...

Is the Menu-Title wrong or the implementation?


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