Hi Stef,

On 6 June 2015 at 06:55, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> Le 5/6/15 21:37, Francisco Garau a écrit :
> Thanks Stefan.
>  I am playing with the Coral image downloaded from the CI site.
> ok now again pay attention. The syntax is not important and stable.
> What is more important is

I understand what you are saying and it's not my intention to push the
syntax experiments into Coral. I am just using the existing infrastructure
to play a bit with the latest Pharo and see if the ideas I've got could
work in practice. As Ben says, it's a itch I need to scratch.

> Coral should let
>     - us interactively access and define environment varibales
>     - write and ***debug*** OS scripts
>     - publish these scripts
> Here is typical session I want.
> you have a coral scripts
>     - no method
>     - just a bunch of expression
>     - you get a bug
>     - you relaunch the script -db
>     - and you get debugger you fix the script
>     - then your script is regenerate

Thanks for the explanation. It'd be nice to add this into the Coral

Now if you need to define a method then you define a class ie
> PillarInstructor and a couple of method but they should be ***normal***
> method and normal class
> (just with a better syntax that the ugly code chunk delimiter) and this is
> why I proposed
> PillarInstructor>>compileAllFileIn: aFS
>     [
>     gkjgkjgkjg kjgkjgkgkgj
>     ]

The syntax changes I am thinking about would bring together block and
method definitions. I would have thought it is important for your
modularity efforts to have a full syntax. Otherwise, how would you be
compiling code into a minimal image that hasn't got any UI module?

[Point: Object |
| x y |
 [sign |
^ (x sign @ y sign)].
 [dotProduct: aPoint |
^ (x * aPoint x) + (y * aPoint y)].

> On 4 June 2015 at 20:08, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Thanks Stefan
>> Francisco there is nothing new in Coral we got stalled again because we
>> focused on pillar.
>> Stef
>> Le 4/6/15 11:20, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :
>>  On 04-06-15 01:46, Francisco Garau wrote:
>>>> I've tried loading Coral by following the below instructions in its
>>>> website <http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/coral/getting-started.html> but
>>>> they
>>>> failed when trying to load Readline.
>>>>     Gofer new url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/coral';
>>>>          package: 'ConfigurationOfCoral';
>>>>          load.
>>>>     ConfigurationOfCoral loadDevelopment.
>>> Yes, that is an old configuration. I've updated it
>>> on smalltalkhub: PharoExtras/Coral, but that was before
>>> the release of Pharo4. CDLM, Damien C and Stef have worked
>>> on it this year.
>>> As PetitParser still uses the
>>> #stable and #development style of symbolic naming,
>>> instead of #release5.1, things can break when a new
>>> version of Moose is released.
>>>  It seems the project was moved to Smalltalk Hub
>>>> (http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PharoExtras/Coral/)
>>>> What expressions should I evaluate in a Pharo5 image to get the latest
>>>> Coral project loaded.
>>> I've added a Pharo 5 build to
>>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/Coral/
>>> The 4 and 5 builds are green
>>> I've also added a Pharo4 and Pharo5 build to OSProcess
>>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/OSProcess/
>>> The 4 and 5 builds each have 3 failures
>>> It is possible that some changes to the parser are needed
>>> due to improvements in PetitParser. I ran into that last
>>> time I tried, and forgot whether that got fixed.
>>> Stephan

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