Yiipie! Great news! Ricky
— Sent from Mailbox On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote: > We are happy to announce version 5.1 of the Moose Suite: > *http://moosetechnology.org/#install* > [image: Inline image 1] > Description > --- > This is a minor release. The key highlights are: > - It is based on Pharo 4.0. > - Roassal2 comes with several new builder, most notably the new Mondrian > builder (RTMondrian) and the chart drawing engine (RTGrapher). > - GTSpotter has preview abilities and was extended for multiple search use > cases including the navigation through Moose models. > - GTPlayground was extended with sharing possibilities and transparent > backup. > - GTExample now offers support for documenting classes with example > instances. > - Moose Finder and GTInspector come with more custom presentations. > - PetitParser has seen performance corrections and has been extended with > the ability to parse whitespace languages. > Installation > --- > The Moose Suite 5.1 comes for each platform as a separate bundle: > - Moose Suite 5.1 for Mac > http://moosetechnology.org/res/download/moose_suite_5_1-mac.zip > - Moose Suite 5.1 for Windows > http://moosetechnology.org/res/download/moose_suite_5_1-win.zip > - Moose Suite 5.1 for Linux > http://moosetechnology.org/res/download/moose_suite_5_1-linux.zip > The Moose Suite 5.1 can also be loaded in a Pharo 4.0 image either from the > Configuration Browser, or by executing the following script: > Gofer new > smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Moose'; > configuration; > loadStable > Enjoy, > The Moose team