
"LaTeX embedding: LaTeX is very useful to write mathematical formulas
for example. It would be nice to be able to embed LaTeX formulas
inside a Pillar document and get these formulas fully exported. Org
mode does something similar already."

On 17 May 2015 at 12:33, Julien Delplanque <> wrote:
> Oh ok :)
> Do you have this todo list online?
> On 17/05/15 12:19, Cyril Ferlicot wrote:
>> Sorry but that's an item of the TODO list of Pillar.
>> On 17 May 2015 at 11:25, Julien Delplanque <> wrote:
>>> Is there anything already done to generate code related to math
>>> environment?
>>> I would like messages like:
>>> Fraction>>asMathLatex
>>> that returns $\frac{numerator}{denominator}$.
>>> Julien
>>> On 17/05/15 09:06, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>> Julien Delplanque <> writes:
>>>>>    From which package does these classes come from?
>>>> Gofer new
>>>>           smalltalkhubUser: 'Pier' project: 'Pillar';
>>>>           configurationOf: 'Pillar';
>>>>           load.
>>>> (ConfigurationOfPillar project version: #stable) load: 'latex exporter'.
>>>> With this loaded, you now have 2 choices:
>>>> - instantiate PRLaTeXCanvas and PROutputStream manually and use them, or
>>>> - create a Pillar document and export it as LaTeX.
>>>> Continue asking questions here if you have more.

Cyril Ferlicot

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