Hey folks! I've dabbled with smalltalk here and there over the years, but recently I've settled in to learn Pharo in earnest. A few of you might have seen the videos I've been putting up; they seem to be making the rounds on Twitter. I just want to say I've felt really welcomed by all the people who have commented with helpful tips, or offered to help with my exploration :-)


I've run into my first big blocker as a newcomer. Like many programmers I'm a fan of keeping my hands on the keyboard. Now, I'm more flexible on this than some. I recognize that Pharo is a visual environment, and it makes sense to explore it with a mouse. And some interactions just make more sense with a mouse.

That said, no matter what windowing environment I'm in, I find the ability to quickly cycle between windows without leaving the keyboard pretty crucial. One Windows or Ubuntu I would normally do this with Alt-Tab or Super-Tab. On MacOS it's Cmd-Tab.

I've been trying to figure out how to do this in Pharo. I've looked for answers with Google, SO, and on IRC, and I've come up blank. I'm starting to think it can't be done.

So, I've come here for your help. Is there a way to cycle between windows? Or is anyone working on it? Or, perhaps, am I missing an element of the Pharo programming workflow which renders it unneeded?
I'm not really happy with the state of the keybindings but too busy to be able to fix anything for now on this part.
Now if people wants to help they are more then welcome.


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