Avdi Grimm wrote > Messing around, I've gotten the impression that Morphic doesn't really > have > the concept of a window manager.
Hee hee. Like most things in Smalltalk, there is much more here than meets the eye! While pharo's main window looks like a desktop with windows, it is actually a world of living objects. Morphic is in fact a simulation framework based on the values of liveness and directness [1], which we are using to simulate a window system :) Two quick initial explorations: Create a morph: 1. DoIt: Morph new openInWorld 2. Click on the Morph while pressing (on Mac) shift+alt to bring up the Morph's "halo" (like a circular menu). From here, clicking the wrench (right side, second from the top) and then "inspect morph" will open an inspector on the object, and you can manipulate it like any other object. For example, `self color: Color white` immediately turns it white. As this doesn't seems to be your first rodeo, I'm sure you can quickly imagine the power of having all one's live UI objects immediately responsive on the same level as any other object without any context switch. Treat a window as a Morph: Repeat #2 above to get the same halos around the window. This is especially cool when hacking on the IDE because you can bring up the halos on a button, see what it's action is, and duplicate/modify it. One of the easiest cool demos, which is actually so easy that it's extremely hard to grok the implications of it, is to bring up the World menu, hover over a deeply nested item, bring up the halos on the item, pick it up [2], drop it in the world, and then click it. Of course it continues to work as if you had clicked it right in the menu. [1] http://web.media.mit.edu/~jmaloney/papers/DirectnessAndLivenessInMorphic.pdf [2] black button, middle-top, looks like a picker arm in one of those toy grabbing games they have at diners ----- Cheers, Sean -- View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Alt-tab-between-windows-tp4826593p4826731.html Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.