You can also use this utility to simplify generation of the array.!/~peteruhnak/IconFactory


On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 9:37 PM, stepharo <> wrote:

>  Look at the icons because they are managed like an encoded byte array.
> Le 15/5/15 21:11, Leonardo Silva a écrit :
>    Hi,
> I load a PNG file using the code below:
> pngPath :=  '/Users/Somefolder/UI-Theme.png' asFileReference.
> forms := pngPath readStreamDo: [ :in | (PNGReadWriter on: in) nextImage ].
> ...
>  But I don't want to create this dependency with a file path.
>  I would like to be able to encode the image into a string and store it in
> a class variable.
>  This way, every time I need the image, I decode the class variable back
> to an image and use it. Something like that, I think.
>  Is it possible to do it? Do you have an example?
>  Thank you!!
>  Leonardo

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