Thanks ... while I can get the hierarchy for a locally implemented method, is
there a way for knowing implemented methods in the super class ?

The browser in Dolphin from Object-Arts has an option "show inherited
methods" in which it shows all methods incl those in the super class
hierarchy in the regular browser and the source is visible in read only mode
in normal navigation 


This to me is a very useful (and vital) feature


Nicolai Hess wrote
> 2015-05-15 8:56 GMT+02:00 Sanjay Minni &lt;

> sm@

> &gt;:
>> i.e. - can I see the methods defined in the superclass in the circled
>> panel
>>    &lt;;
> Not in the default browser.
> You can only see the little up-arrow, if the method is defined in this
> class and at least one super class.
> And the arrow is only visible if there are no other icons.
> I your example screenshot, "&" and "and:" are both implemented in False
> and
> in the superclass Boolean.
> But only "&" has the up-arrow icon because "and:" already has the test
> runner icon (the circle).
> I am not sure maybe there are other class browsers that let you see all
> local and inherited methods of a class.
> But what you can do with the default browser:
> select a method and choose "Inheritance" from the menu, this opens a
> MessageBrowser with the list of classes
> of the hierarchy, implementing this method.
> nicolai
>> Sanjay Minni wrote
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > is there a way to see in the browse all the methods implemented in the
>> > super classes as well, maybe in a different colour,
>> >
>> > i thought it was possible but am unable to find it
>> >
>> > regards
>> > Sanjay
>> -----
>> ---
>> Regards, Sanjay
>> --
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Regards, Sanjay
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