Hi Thierry,

I'm in my holidays in Madrid, but let me know if you or anyone need access
to the repository and it will be granted.


2015-05-06 5:10 GMT-03:00 Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>:

> 2015-05-06 9:57 GMT+02:00 Usman Bhatti <usman.bha...@gmail.com>:
>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Thierry Goubier <
>> thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Le 05/05/2015 18:28, Usman Bhatti a écrit :
>>>> I succeeded to do it by encapsulating the C routine as a DLL and doing
>>>> an FFI call from my image (as suggested by Guille).
>>>> I also tried to perform the nativeboost call by creating my structures
>>>> in Pharo. The function in Windows that can be used to retrieve mac
>>>> address in Windows: GetAdaptersInfo
>>>> <
>>>> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365917%28v=vs.85%29.aspx>
>>>> that
>>>> accepts a PIP_ADAPTER_INFO
>>>> <
>>>> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366062(v=vs.85).aspx>
>>>> structure.
>>>> I subclassed NBExternalStructure to define this struct and the other
>>>> used by it in the image but my NB call returned with 87 code (Invalid
>>>> parameter) and it was impossible to debug. However, I would like to make
>>>> this thing work to understand what went wrong.
>>>> With ProcessWrapper, I could not load the classes essential for making
>>>> the plugin work.
>>> ProcessWrapper is loaded with GitFileTree in Pharo3 and Pharo4.
>>> Can you detail what doesn't work?
>> When doing:
>> Gofer it
>>   url: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/hernan/ProcessWrapper/main';
>>   package: 'ProcessWrapper-Core';
>>   package: 'ProcessWrapper-Plugin';
>>   package: 'ProcessWrapper-Tests';
>>   load.
>> Plugin classes couldn't be loaded because they require 
>> SmartSyntaxInterpreterPlugin
>> class. I found a few posts mentioning that the class should be present in
>> the VMMaker but I didn't dig further.
> Ok.
> Metacello new
>   configuration: 'ProcessWrapper';
>   repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPhar40/Main';
>   load
> Is what I use.
> As far as I can see, ProcessWrapper-Plugin has little use; it contains
> only primitives which are in ProcessWrapper-Core. The plugin is
> automatically downloaded when you use the configuration, which means your
> Gofer script doesn't work.
> The configuration in the Meta repository is one version late compared to
> the Smalltalkhub repository configuration. Hernan, should I update the
> configuration in the Meta repository?
> Regards,
> Thierry
>> regards.
>>> Thierry
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Usman
>>>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com
>>>> <mailto:b...@openinworld.com>> wrote:
>>>>     As a complete newb to VM building I found this fairly straight
>>>>     forward (on a Mac btw).
>>>>     https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm
>>>>     cheers -ben
>>>>     On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Usman Bhatti <
>>>> usman.bha...@gmail.com
>>>>     <mailto:usman.bha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>         On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Pierce Ng <
>>>> pie...@samadhiweb.com
>>>>         <mailto:pie...@samadhiweb.com>> wrote:
>>>>             On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 03:55:47PM +0200, Usman Bhatti
>>>> wrote:
>>>>             > 1/ OSProcess: I tried  (PipeableOSProcess command:
>>>> 'ipconfig /all') output.
>>>>             I have used
>>>>             http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~hernan/ProcessWrapper
>>>>             successfully
>>>>             back when I was on Windows using some now-ancient version of
>>>>             Pharo.
>>>>         I had initially discarded the idea of using this project because
>>>>         it required a plugin and the information of the plugin was
>>>>         outdated on squeaksource. However, having evaluated
>>>>         superficially the complexity of doing it with nativeboost
>>>>         (because too many external c struct involved in the call), I
>>>>         would like to see if I am better off using this wrapper.
>>>>         I loaded it with:
>>>>         Gofer it
>>>>            url: '
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/hernan/ProcessWrapper/main';
>>>>            package: 'ProcessWrapper-Core';
>>>>            package: 'ProcessWrapper-Plugin';
>>>>            package: 'ProcessWrapper-Tests';
>>>>            load.
>>>>         But the plugins wont load because it requires the
>>>>         class SmartSyntaxInterpreterPlugin and apparently this file is a
>>>>         part of the VMMaker. Is there any recent config for VMMaker in
>>>>         Pharo because this one looks outdated:
>>>> http://pharo.gemtalksystems.com/book/Virtual-Machine/Building/VMMakerTool/
>>>>             Pierce

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