De : Pharo-users [] De la part de 
Envoyé : mercredi 6 mai 2015 12:12
À : 'Any question about pharo is welcome'
Objet : Re: [Pharo-users] Problems in switching from Moose 5.0 (Pharo 3) to 
Moose 5.1 (Pharo 4)

Many thanks. You have solved the problem and educated me in the process - since 
I now know how to do a user interrupt - I was pressing Ctrl-Break with no 
effect. The problem was the looping of the deprecation notifier, which I can 
fix by removing the deprecated 'value' message. The looping should not have 
occurred, and there must be a bug somewhere, but it's not my problem.
Actually, the notify message open a debugger and "value" message is send by the 
debugger, but value send a notify message that opens a new debugger...  etc... 
I don't think that is a bug. It is not the notify: method that should be used 
but the deprecated: one.

One little detail, about your comment on point 6 below. On my system, 
(TLTextTokenizer parse: 'test' startingAt: #word) generates an array of 
PPToken, so it does not understand parsedValue. Are we looking at different 
versions of TextLint?
TLTextTokenizer parse: 'test' startingAt: #word return a PPToken, not an array 
on PPToken in the version I have.
I have this version of TextLint :
Name: TextLint-Model-JorgeRessia.225
Author: JorgeRessia
Time: 10 February 2012, 2:41:11 pm
UUID: 3c6965a4-bc1f-42e4-b309-fab8e4303046
Ancestors: TextLint-Model-lr.224

Name: TextLint-Tests-lr.166
Author: lr
Time: 25 March 2012, 10:46:49 am
UUID: ed387b31-02e6-4194-91e6-18d3879dc858
Ancestors: TextLint-Tests-DamienCassou.165

And petit parser:
Name: PetitParser-JanKurs.278
Author: JanKurs
Time: 5 May 2015, 2:39:26.475846 pm
UUID: 55ae813a-5dfd-4b4d-a98b-274f5431331e
Ancestors: PetitParser-JanKurs.277, PetitParser-JanKurs.276

Vincent Blondeau

Thanks again

Peter Kenny

From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Blondeau Vincent
Sent: 06 May 2015 10:00
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Problems in switching from Moose 5.0 (Pharo 3) to 
Moose 5.1 (Pharo 4)

De : Pharo-users [] De la part de 
Envoyé : mardi 5 mai 2015 18:01
À :<>
Objet : [Pharo-users] Problems in switching from Moose 5.0 (Pharo 3) to Moose 
5.1 (Pharo 4)

I have been working with Moose 5.0 on a project involving natural language 
processing. I used TextLint to parse the input, just because it contained a set 
of parsers which gave output in a convenient form. I have read all about the 
virtues of Pharo 4, and decided to give it a try, so I set out to reproduce the 
earlier results. I have run into a number of problems - basically I haven't 
been able to get anywhere. I realise TextLint is rather antique, but basically 
as I use it it is just a set of PetitParser parsers, so I can't see a problem.

I have boiled the problems down to a few test cases, not realistic bits of my 
work but just to show the essential points.

1.      Environment: Windows 7 Professional (64 bit version).

2.      Download and install latest Pharo 4 - Latest update: #40612. This is 
just to get an up to date VM.

3.      Download latest Moose 5.1 image and unzip into same folder as Pharo 4. 
On opening the Moose 5.1 image it also shows Latest update: #40612. (I have to 
ignore Firefox's hysterical warnings that the INRIA site does not have a valid 
security certificate.)

4.      Load TextLint into the image. Can't get 'ConfigurationofTextLint' to 
work, so load TextLInt-Model-JorgeRessia.225.mcz and TextLint-Tests-lr.166.mcz 
via the Monticello Browser. This is the same as I used in my earlier Moose 5.0 
image, where it worked as expected.

The ConfigurationofTextLint doesn't not load because it can't found the project 
NEC which is not at '', it has to be changed in 

Your configuration should not load Glamour because it is already included in 
the Moose image.

5.      Open a playground, enter:

PPToken on: 'test'.

and select 'Inspect it'. The inspector halts with message: 'MNU 
ByteString>>find AnySubstring:startingAt:'  Basic Inspect works as expected. 
Does this look like the problem raised by Nicolas Lusa today?

Seems resolved on latest Moose5.1 (#874) on Pharo #40613.

6.      Enter in the playground:

word := (TLTextTokenizer parse: 'test' startingAt: #word) at: 1.

(The tokenizer gives an array of tokens, so we need to select the first - and 
only - one.) Basic Inspect confirms that 'word' is a PPToken, as expected.

The code doesn't work, did you mean : (TLTextTokenizer parse: 'test' 
startingAt: #word) parsedValue at: 1 ?

7.      Enter in the playground:

TLWord with: word.

Select 'Do it'. The image becomes completely unresponsive, and appears to be in 
a tight loop. Only way out is to click the Windows red X and say yes to exit 
without saving. Restarting, get to the same point and select 'Debug it'. Trace 
it to TLSyntacticElement>>initializeWith: aToken, where the only line of code 
is: 'token := aToken'. Again a complete lockup.

Do ALT+. as soon you execute the method, you should be able to find the error. 
By the way it seems that in TLSyntacticElement>>text, value has to be replaced 
by inputValue (value is deprecated, and the notify event seems to loop...). It 
seems to work after that.

Sorry for the lengthy details; I just hope there is enough there to enable 
someone to diagnose the problem(s). Any help gratefully received. Meanwhile I 
am back to the Pharo 3 version.
Clear details, though. I think you can go back to Pharo 4.

You're welcome,

Vincent Blondeau

Peter Kenny


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