> On 05 May 2015, at 17:59, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> El 04/05/15 a las 18:05, Esteban Lorenzano escribió:
>>> On 05 May 2015, at 01:10, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net
>>> <mailto:off...@riseup.net>> wrote:
>>> May be the small icon of the glasses works better now that the print preview
>>> is not "polluting" the writing of code, but has a tooltip with glasses on 
>>> it.
>> no, because that’s the icon for “inspect” and what you see there is is
>> playground specific: is showing the result and offering you the possibility 
>> of
>> inspect it, yet the glasses.
>> Esteban
> Ok. It was just an idea. Maybe something else will work, a "play" icon with a 
> "page" or "print" icon. What is wise is that slightly different actions have 
> slightly different icons.

yes, but that means I need to take pixelimator and create an icon. 
A painful and not really compensating task. 
I can try it, with time (it is in my todo). 
but it will happen when it happens :)


> Cheers,
> Offray

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