Thank's for the pointers. It seems to me that they access it via 'self
theme'; in any case my problem is, for the moment, solved.


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:

> 2015-05-01 22:22 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <>:
>> Hi,
>> how is set the background color of a morph?
> A morph has the fillStyle/color attribute, but this does not mean it uses
> this color for its drawing method.
> (for example ActiveHand color -> Color blue, and the hand/cursor is not
> blue).
>> I could access directly "Smalltalk ui theme backgroundColor" from within
>> the Morph,
> this returns always the same color, it is actually the desktop
> backgroundcolor.
>> but I don't see anywhere that something is using themed colors this way.
>> So I assume there is some other way; what am I missing?
>> Note that I don't want to use the color for background of the morph but I
>> need to make a decision based on the color in the morph.
> It depends on the morph, or the type of widget this morph represents.
> A button has a theme dependent color, that may depend on the type and
> state (enabled/disabled) of the button.
> A list morph may have different colors for even and odd index, selected,
> enabled, disabled ...
> A label model font/color may depend on its use (window title/menu title/
> button label ...).
> Look at the xxxFillStyleFor: messages in UITheme
>> Thanks,
>> Peter

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