Everything you can do with a versionner, you can do it by writing a
ConfigurationOfX package and with Monticiello. Versionner is just an easy
way to do configurations. You can easily manage packages dependencies.
I know that you can't do some things with Versionner (for example you have
to write the ConfigurationOfPillar yourself because we can't use versionner
for it) but I don't know why exactly. Maybe someone else know.
You can do everything with Monticiello but it's easier to manage packages
dependencies and projects with versionner.
When you have a project with many packages or dependencies, you can use
versionner. At the end you can load everything with a simple script like:

Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'User' project: 'Project'; configuration; load.
(Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfX) load

Le jeudi 30 avril 2015, Sergio Fedi <sergio.f...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Great, now that I saw these screencasts of Versionner
> (which I'm still trying to have a hang on)
> I would like to ask:
> When do we use Versionner and when do we use Monticello?
> Putting it in another way:
> What tasks are only possible through Monticello?
> What tasks you should be doing in Versionner?

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