Aha, now I understand your question.
>From what I remember #initialize might only be send to classes if they
contain an explicit initialize method, but I might remember wrongly.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Jan Blizničenko <blizn...@fit.cvut.cz>

> Thank you both for reply. Unfortunately, it seems I didn't describe my goal
> well.
> I want both (all) classes to have separate variables, not shared among
> subclasses, but still initialized on class side, not instance side. So I
> want those variables to be class-side variables, my problem is with their
> initialization. I have a tree of classes, top class (superclass of the
> rest)
> should have class-side variable initialized as empty collection, and almost
> all it's subclasses to have, by default, also an empty colletion. But there
> will be few classes in this tree, whose collections should contain
> something.
> So to return to my previous example... I want SomeClass class-side variable
> "SomeCollection" to contain OrderedCollection()... SubClass along with many
> more subclasses to also contain OrderedCollection... but also to have a
> SpecificSubClass, whose class-side variable "SomeCollection" will contain
> OrderedCollection(something, somethingElse...).
> Jan
> Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> > What you created is a class-side instance variable, which is private to
> > just that class. What you want is a class variable, which is shared by
> all
> > subclasses and instances. You declare it in the class definition with
> > #classVariableNames:. There is a very nice explanation of these basic
> (but
> > confusing!) concepts in the "Pharo By Example" book.
> Andrei Chis wrote
> > Hi,
> >
> > SomeClass and SubClass are two different objects.
> > Based on your setup, if you do not call any initialize method, initially
> > calling both  "SomeClass isOk" and  "SubClass isOk" should return nil.
> >
> > Running "SomeClass initialize" initializes only the SomeClass object. So
> > now "SomeClass isOk"  returns true and "SubClass isOk" returns nil, as
> its
> > another object that has not been initialized.
> > You get the same behaviour if you first call "SubClass initialize".
> > Now "SomeClass
> > isOk"  returns nil because you did not initialize the SomeClass object,
> > but
> > the SubClass.
> >
> > Even if you add initialize in the SubClass class and call it first
> > "SomeClass
> > isOk" will still return false.
> > SomeClass and SubClass are just two different objects of types SomeClass
> > class and  SubClass class. It's the same behaviour that you get when you
> > create two instances of these classes. Just because you create an
> instance
> > of the type SubClass and call super initialize,
> > it doesn't mean that another instance of SomeClass will be initialized.
> >
> > Hope this makes sense/answers your question.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andrei
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/class-initialization-and-class-side-variables-tp4822869p4822886.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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