Someone correct me - any package can have a dependent package added. We
just don't do that (I've never seen it my past couple of years with
Pharo).  A Slice is simply an empty package that has dependencies. Now it
seems somewhat tied to development of the Pharo image since it requires an
issue number - but I guess you could use it for other purposes with any
random issue number or 00000.
cheers -ben

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Sean P. DeNigris <>

> Sergio Fedi wrote
> > Are Slices a way to represent a change accross packages?
> Exactly. In the MC browser, there is a button to create a slice from an
> issue number. During that workflow, you will be asked to select all
> relevant
> packages. When the slice is committed or loaded, it will bring all of those
> packages with it.
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
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