isn't that a weak argument? If I change the bhavior of a method and forget to
rename it to something intention revealing, there also is no guarantuee that the
name tells a developer anything about it...
> Stephan Eggermont <> hat am 28. April 2015 um 12:17
> geschrieben:
> On 28/04/15 01:44, Sergio Fedi wrote:
> > I already do that.
> > (and I also make sure my tests have 100% coverage over the Public protocol)
> >
> > But to know that you have to memorize the methods that are in the test
> > cases.
> > Besides, I may want to test private methods too.
> The categorization of methods is a weak way of showing the user,
> as it is decoupled from the actual code, i.e. when I change the
> behaviour, there is no automatic update of the category.
> With Glamour/GTInspector extensions you could create an
> API browser from e.g. marking API methods with a pragma
> or using a TestCase subclass APITest
> Stephan