Hi Chris,

this is the basic idea. One will have to find the right instance. In my case this is executed suring the startup process while there are no windows opened.

    | browser |
    browser := GLMTabulator new.
    browser openOn: ($a to: $d).

    GLMSystemWindow allInstances first openFullscreen

Hope that helps

Am 21.04.2015 um 07:33 schrieb Andrei Chis:
Hi Sebastian,

Can you give us more info about the error that you are getting and maybe a way to reproduce it.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:28 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de <mailto:shei...@yahoo.de>> wrote:

    Hi Thierry,

    This does somehow not really work.
    I get an error due to the fact that a BrickWrapper's state is
    undefined and therefore does not understand "isOnParent".

    So this is why I thought there must be a different way for
    GLMSystemWindow or other non SPEC windows.

    I'll check with the Moose guys again!
    Thank you!

    Am 21.04.2015 um 06:55 schrieb Thierry Goubier:
    Hi Sebastian,

    there is a top-level approach to do that via Morphic, which is to
    call openFullScreen in a StandardWindow instance.

    If you can get a hold of the top-level window of your Glamour
    before it opens, then you just have to send openFullScreen to it.
    SpecWindow inherit from StandardWindow, so I suspect this is what
    it uses.

    Beware, it's really full screen: once launched, closing that
    window interactively is challenging.


    2015-04-21 15:46 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de

        Hi all!

        I asked this question on the Moose list already ,but it seems
        nobody can help me there.

        I would liek to deploy a pharo app based on Glamour and
        Roassal as a "hands on demo".

        I was told Damien's Pharo launcher is currently somehow the
        reference implementation for a "fullscreen" pharo application.
        The pharo launcher is SPEC based and this provides some
        functionality regarding that but Glamour doesn't. So I assume
        there must be a "general" way to do it.
        Unfortunately I am not able to tell the Galmour Browser to be
        "fullscreen" and i also want to make sure nobody is able to
        get access to the code or pharo related tools.

        Does anybody here have experience in that or has a link to a
        documentation regarding this?
        The only stuff Ia was able to find is seaside headless
        related deployment but nothing for UI based images.

        Thank you for any help!

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