Hi !
You can use it from Pharo but it's a little complicated if you want to add
a configuration file (pillar.conf).
I can't explain now because I'm at a ceremony but when I'll have time I'll
add the list of the commandes !

Le samedi 18 avril 2015, Jan Valášek <valas...@fit.cvut.cz> a écrit :

> Hi there,
> I'd like to ask you, whether is here a way to use pillar internally,
> directly from Pharo and how to use it properly. I have found some
> tutorials how to use it from linux/windows command prompt, however, I'd
> prefer to call it in my program in pharo.
> Something like this ->
> -----------------------
> header := pillarHeaderObject new.  //creating pillar objects directly
> from my program
> header text:'Title of my page'.
> aPillarDocument add: header.   //adding them to the whole document
> object
> and finally
> aPillarDocument exportToLatex. //export the document
> ----------------------
> or I can just write the text in the pillar notation to "myTextObject"
> and then call something like->
> -------
> pillarParseAndExportToLatex: myTextObject.
> -------
> Is here a way to do this?
> Thanks for your help :-)
> John.

Cyril Ferlicot

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