Hi Leo,

> On 14 Apr 2015, at 14:28, Leo Paniceres <lpanice...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sven,
>     Thanks very much for your excellent Zinc package.
> Excuse me for contacting to your email, I couldn’t find the official support 
> email list.

I much prefer answering question on the pharo-users ML, in CC.

> My problem is that I could not find a way to solve simultaneously file 
> servicing and services.
> I have a small app that responds to a request via a GET, and I also need to 
> include in the response a lot of static files in a directory.
> How can I integrate two delegates?
> (ZnStaticFileServerDelegate and ZnDefaultServerDelegate)

This is from an older answer, it should be applicable:

Multiple handlers can be combined in one server. For example, http://zn.stfx.eu 
serves static content and serves all Zinc demos, with the following config 
(part of the startup script):

| id logFile staticFileServerDelegate |

id := 1.

logFile := 'transcript.{1}.log' format: { id }.
(NonInteractiveTranscript onFileNamed: logFile) install.

(ZnServer defaultOn: 8080 + id)
       route: 'r', id printString;

(staticFileServerDelegate := ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new)
       prefixFromString: 'zn'; 
       directory: '/home/ubuntu/zn' asFileReference.

ZnServer default delegate prefixMap 
       at: 'zn' 
       put: [ :request | staticFileServerDelegate handleRequest: request ];
       at: 'redirect-to-zn'
       put: [ :request | ZnResponse redirect: '/zn/index.html' ];
       at: '/'
       put: 'redirect-to-zn'.



> -- 
> Afectuosamente​ desde Argentina​, (de corazón por mas que lo tenga automatico)
> Leo

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