I think there is a bug in the exporter, because the canvas has a color
(which is white and _not_ transparent).
Normally you can set the color of the of the canvas (view canvas color:
Color purple), but the default exporter (I assume you are exporting it via
GT-inspector) is ignoring it.
There is however second exporter which you can use

|v fileName|
v := RTView new.
v canvas color: Color purple.
v addAll: (RTEllipse new color: Color black; size: 30; elementsOn: (1 to:
RTCircleLayout on: v elements.

fileName := UITheme builder
fileSave: 'Enter the PNG file name'
extensions: #('png')
path: nil.
"fileName := '/tmp/test.png' asFileReference."
fileName notNil ifTrue: [
(DCTRCanvasExporter canvas: v canvas)
format: #png;
fileName: fileName fullName;
export ].


You could also add the export code (with minor modification) to
GLMRoassal2Presentation>>defaultActions but there seems to be some kind of
bug that clears the content of the playground when executed from GLM, which
is a big wtf, but maybe that's just my mixed up configuration.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
off...@riseup.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have finally finished the first part of my visualization project of
> political discourses on Twitter. You can see the details here:
> http://mutabit.com/offray/static/blog/output/posts/visualizing-
> politicianspolitical-discourses-on-twitter.html
> (As you can see Pharo was not used to extract the data, just to scrap it,
> structure it and visualize it).
> The politicians tag cloud look nice if the background is white, because
> the png background is transparent, but if you share it on Twitter, the
> black background makes the tag cloud invisible. I could use image editing
> programs to change the background from transparent to white, but I would
> like to know if there is a way to make that change inside Pharo/Roasal.
> Thanks for all your support in making this ideas possible.
> Cheers,
> Offray

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