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| source anUrl tweet | anUrl := ''. source := Soup fromString: (ZnEasy get: anUrl ) contents asString. tweet := (source findAllTagsByClass: 'ProfileTweet-text'). tweet collect:[:ea | ea text]. Offray wrote > Hi, > > I'm making a data scrapper from twitter. I know that twitter API is > there, but I would like to make the scrapped data available to anyone, > even if the person has not signed an API agreement. Also I think that > this kind of external data is important for making agile visualization > less self-referential and could bring some interesting examples with the > data is common to the usual "netizen". > > I have some advances that you can test easily executing the code at [1] > and I have already scrapped and filled out the data from a twitter > profile page. > > [1] > > Now I'm having problems extracting tweets data. If I execute the code at > [2] I can get a list of tweets (first 19) and I can explore inside any > member of the collection, but I can't make sense of the SoupTag data > inside. How can I extract particularly the tweet contents? > > [2] > > Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. > > Cheers, > > Offray -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at