> On 02 Apr 2015, at 13:13, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>> Am 02.04.2015 um 12:52 schrieb Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:emaring...@gmail.com>>:
>> I don't know if you need full fledged access or just to read a few tables.
>> If it the latest you can use PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW) and 
>> access the pgsql instance using the existing PGv2 driver.
>> I know it might look convoluted, and maybe it is, but you avoid using DBX.
> I would also avoid using oracle which is a prerequisite, right? :) So DBX is 
> to avoid? Sorry, I didn't care very much about SQL engines the last years.

why DBX is to avoid?
in linux, it is your only chance for connecting to oracle (in windows you could 
also use odbc). 
and it should be working, AFAIK


> Norbert
>> Regards.
>> Ps: FDW are amazing.
>> El abr 2, 2015 6:07 AM, "Norbert Hartl" <norb...@hartl.name 
>> <mailto:norb...@hartl.name>> escribió:
>> I see from time to time topics like SQL popping up. Most of the time DBXTalk 
>> seems to be a requirement. It is also something that is considered necessary 
>> for a lot of people. Now have the need to access an oracle database. Is that 
>> possible? And if yes does it also work on linux?
>> Norbert

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