What is the issue with GTPlayground?


On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:

> 2015-03-28 11:23 GMT+01:00 Jigyasa Grover <grover.jigya...@gmail.com>:
>> Sir
>> I have installed the latest version of PharoLauncher on my system (OS :
>> Ubuntu 14.04)
>> Whenever I try to enable the developer option in the settings , I get a
>> warning dialog , in which clicking on Proceed hangs up the application.
>> I have repeated the process twice or thrice , but am stuck at the same
>> position.
>> I have attached the screenshot of the warning recieved.
>> Kindly review this issue.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Jigyasa Grover
> Maybe this is an issue on linux only ?
> I tried the recent build of pharolaunchers windows installer and that
> works.
> The difference is that the installer installs pharo launcher in a Pharo3.0
> image
> whereas on linux (install steps from http://pharo.org/download)
> it uses a Pharo4.0 image, some of the methds are deprecated.
> nicolai
> BTW there is an issue with GTPlaygrounds play-cache I'll open an issue
> on fogbugz for this.


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