Hi everyone, I already send a mail here about my copy/paste that doesn't work between Chromium and Pharo3/4. Since I use more and more Pharo and I don't want to move from Chromium, I tried to find a solution to my problem and so I did.
Ok, I must admit, it's brutal but I managed to get the content from the clipboard (after copying something from chromium) using 'xclip -o' with PipeableOSProcess help. So I looked at Clipboard>>clipboardText | string decodedString | string := self primitiveClipboardText. (string isEmpty or: [string = contents asString]) ifTrue: [^ contents]. decodedString := string convertFromWithConverter: UTF8TextConverter new. decodedString := decodedString replaceAll: 10 asCharacter with: 13 asCharacter. ^ decodedString = contents asString ifTrue: [contents] ifFalse: [decodedString asText]. and overrided it in UnixClipboard>>clipboardText as follow: UnixClipboard>>clipboardText | string decodedString | string := (PipeableOSProcess command: '/usr/bin/xclip -o') output. decodedString := string convertFromWithConverter: UTF8TextConverter new. decodedString := decodedString replaceAll: 10 asCharacter with: 13 asCharacter. ^ decodedString = contents asString ifTrue: [contents] ifFalse: [decodedString asText]. This trick works pretty well for me even if I'm sure it's not the best way to do it. I saw that it's possible to get the content of x11 clipboard in C using x11 libs but I think it would be a waste of time to implement it and then call C code from Pharo since I think the way I did it is fast enough. So that's why I choose this quick solution. Anyway, I send this mail to inform that I made with this called XClipboard, simply load it with: Gofer new url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/JulienDelplanque/XClipboard/main'; package: #ConfigurationOfXClipboard; load. ConfigurationOfXClipboard loadDevelopment. if you want to look at it. What do you think about it? Is there a better way to do that easily? Does anyone see a problem with this "quick fix"? As I said for me it works well for the moment but I can't be certain it will in any case. Thanks in advance, Julien