Thank you!

Will do!


On 2015-03-20 9:51 AM, Ben Coman wrote:
Sounds reasonable. Actually perhaps the behaviour should be that subsequent presses of the key moves to the next match. Please log an issue at <> with your idea.
cheers -ben

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink < <>> wrote:


    I think it is a mix of a feature and a bug.

    When ever one implements a Magritte, Moose or Morphic project the
    functionality to select the package list and enter/hit key "m"
    does not fast scroll down to those packages but rather selects the
    "Most Viewed Classes" entry.

    I propose to catch "m" and ignore "Most Viewd Classes" for this
    fast scroll/find functionality.


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