I am not a big fan of Dictionaries for these kinds of things, but if you
need "named slots" for a previously unknown list of settings, the
approach you describe is perfectly okay, IMO.
This approach can also be extended into a database or any other kind of
storage and also stands the test of web apps, in so far as you can
distribute things between an application centric (global) and
user-centric (session) objects.
Am 20.03.15 um 14:14 schrieb Sanjay Minni:
What is the usual practices in storing values of variables / parameters the
persist through an users usage of an application.
e.g. say the user logs in and then selects a current printer, current
company, accounting year and then moves between various application options
and eventually logs out. What is a good practice of storing the values
... one way could be to keep a separate application level object with a
dictionary for all the variables ... would that be ok or there are other
better ways
Regards, Sanjay
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