Hi Kilon,

I think you can simply do:

baseline: spec
for: #pharo
do: [
spec baseline: 'SmaCC' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC' ].
spec package: 'Ephestos' with: [ spec requires: #('SmaCC') ] ]

You can also restrict what you load from SmaCC in this way:

baseline: spec
for: #pharo
do: [
spec baseline: 'SmaCC' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC' ].
spec import: 'SmaCC'.
spec package: 'Ephestos' with: [ spec requires: #('SmaCC-Python') ] ]

(i.e. by importing the baseline of SmaCC, you can choose among the groups
or the packages of SmaCC...)

>From what Dale told me, you can only import one baseline this way. But you
can add from more than one baseline with import: provides:

baseline: spec
for: #pharo
do: [
spec baseline: 'SmaCC' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC' ].
spec import: 'SmaCC' provides: #('SmaCC-Python').
spec package: 'Ephestos' with: [ spec requires: #('SmaCC-Python') ] ]

Dale, is that correct? I haven't tested those, so...

Note that any kind of repository can host a baseline this way,
smalltalkhub, squeaksource, etc...

version05: spec
<version: '0.5'>
for: #'pharo4.x'
do: [
baseline: 'GitFileTree'
with: [ spec repository: '
http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTreePharo40/main' ];
import: 'GitFileTree' ]

And of course a baseline can require a configuration...

I'm still exploring all the possibilities this allows (and, more important,
how configurations may be simplified to defer effective loading to a
baseline inside the master repository, so that the configuration very
rarely has to be updated).


2015-03-17 12:11 GMT+01:00 kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> I have this very simple baseline for Ephestos
> baseline: spec
>     <baseline>
>     spec
>       for: #pharo
>       do: [
>         spec package: 'Ephestos' with: [Metacello new
>     baseline: 'SmaCC';
>     repository: 'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC';
>     load] ].
> The above code works fine for me. The user can install Ephestos from
> configuration browser that has a configuration that loads this baseline
> which in turn not only loads the latest code for the project but also runs
> this block to make sure Smacc is installed for Ephestos to use.
> The question however how else I can do this and what are the advantages
> and disadvantages for those other approaches ?

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