The breaking point seems to be around 5 concatenations:

str:= Character alphabet.
[ str, str, str, str, str ] bench. 

  "'1,020,043 per second'"

[ String new: str size * 5 streamContents: [ :out | 5 timesRepeat: [ out 
nextPutAll: str ] ] ] bench.

  "'949,738 per second'"

> On 13 Mar 2015, at 08:52, Marcus Denker <> wrote:
>> On 13 Mar 2015, at 08:41, stepharo <> wrote:
>> use
>> String streamContents: [:s |
>>   s nextPutAll: 'jlklkjkl' ]
>> or
>> String streamContents: [:s |
>>   s << 'jlklkjkl' ]
>> it is a great method for manipulating
>> Le 10/3/15 19:09, sergio_101 a écrit :
>>> it seems that in more cases than not, i find that developers use a stream 
>>> when concatenating some text strings.
>>> I am wondering if this is a smalltalk thing, or is there a real speed 
>>> benefit when using streams in this way.
> When adding to a string, you create a new one with the right size and copy 
> over the old content.
> Using a stream avoids that. But there is a cost for handling the stream, too:
> [String streamContents: [:s |
>   s nextPutAll: 'jlklkjkl';
>        nextPutAll: 'jlklkjkl' ]] bench. "'1,866,774 per second'"
> ['jlklkjkl' ,  'jlklkjkl'] bench "'5,433,931 per second’"
> So it is only faster e.g. when adding to a string in a loop or on larger 
> strings.
> But it reads quite nice, too, so I tend to use it without thinking about 
> performance.
>       Marcus

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