Excerpts from S Krish's message of 2015-03-06 08:26:53 +0100:
> Create a file editor and asset manager solution with smalltalk
> I would be interested in assisting in this project. Harks me back to what I
> attempted with VisualWorks and SimpleWeb Framework I created more than a
> decade back with complete editor / projects IDE that had artifacts covering
> all that is mentioned as also config for external interfaces like DB.

indeed, i haven't even got that far in my webdevelopment, but yes, managing
external connections would be a great addition. let's see what the students are
capable of.

> But tough challenge if we are to talk of creating a capable color editor
> with intellisense across various artifacts, otherwise doable as a student
> project.

don't need to go that far. i'd be happy if we can edit text and otherwise
update binary files from an external source.

please sign up for the fossasia list. see the instructions in my previous reply 
to Sean.

greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
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Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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