Basically, this is how you should do it (after loading NeoJSON):

ZnClient new
  host: '';
  path: 'api/users';
  headerAt: 'Authorization' add: ('BEARER {1}' format: { #myToken });
  accept: ZnMimeType applicationJson;
  contentReader: [ :entity | NeoJSONReader fromString: entity contents ];
  contentWriter: [ :data | ZnEntity with: (NeoJSONWriter toString: data) type: 
ZnMimeType applicationJson];
  contents: { #email->''. #password->'geheim' } asDictionary;

But I tried it and I got SSL errors, again.

This host/server is really weird (there is no Server header so I don't know 
which one it is), but it says that it will close the connection, but it keeps 
it open.

And again, this will probably work on Windows/Linux.


> On 05 Mar 2015, at 18:59, Sabine Manaa <> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I want to write the following command in pharo:
> "curl -v -X POST --data '{""email"":"""",
> ""password"":""geheim""}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept:
> application/json' -H 'Authorization: BEARER
> d0ae3333-eaad-4335-a64b-8903470baa9f' ''"
> The following does not work, response is 
> 415 Unsupported Media Type text/html;charset=UTF-8 2341B
> And I assume that it is the "--data {}" part, which is wrong. 
>       ^ZnClient new
>               systemPolicy ;
>               https;
>               host: '';
>               path: 'api/users';
>               headerAt: 'Content-Type' add: 'application/json';
>               headerAt: 'Authorization' add: ('BEARER {1}' format: {self
> getAccessToken});
>               headerAt: 'Accept' add: 'application/json';
>               contents:'--data {"email":"", 
> "password":"geheim"} ';
>               post. 
> how can I put the --data  part into the request?
> Regards
> Sabine
> --
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